Monday, May 14, 2012

Weapon of the Gods

     Atomic energy, the most advanced and destructive weapon technology ever created by modern man, or was it? Researchers from around the globe are studying evidence unearthed in India that may point towards an ancient atomic explosion they claim may have occurred thousands of years ago!

Many modern scientists balk at the thought of such a claim, working harder to disprove the theory than looking at the evidence.  But, ancient stories written in the religious text known as the Mahabharata might have more factual relevance than what was once thought.

Scene from the Mahabharata
India’s history is one that is mysterious and significant in terms of the development of mankind on the planet.  One of the oldest documented civilizations on Earth, India boasts as the birthplace of not one, but four of the world’s oldest and largest religions which include Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism.  The ancient Indian people were also highly advanced in engineering, art, literature and to this day hold one of the most significant cultures ever to exist in terms of worldwide contribution.

This idea that our ancient ancestors may have been in contact with atomic weapons or technology is a far stretch, and is understandably hard for many researchers to wrap their minds around.  But, if science has taught mankind anything, it is to not underestimate the evidence.  Several hundred years ago scientists were certain that the Earth was the center of the universe, that the Sun in fact revolved around the Earth and, if you went too far west you might fall off the planet.  Today, scientists are certain ancient civilizations were not in contact with technologies far beyond their abilities, yet the evidence that they were in possession of knowledge we are just starting to understand is everywhere.  Let’s listen to the evidence then and see what it has to say.   

Bodies discovered at Harappa
In Rajasthan, India a layer of radioactive ash was unearthed that covered an area of 3 square miles, and was discovered after a study of abnormal levels of birth defects and cancer were purported among the inhabitants of the area was conducted.  The levels of radiation were so high, that the Indian government supposedly cordoned off the area.  The excavation of the ancient sites Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro nearby also lend evidence to the idea that something of atomic proportions occurred in this area thousands of years ago.

Ancient alien theorists would like us to believe that these sites are a smoking gun, sure evidence of ET interaction with mankind, but that is not exactly the case.  It is reported that 35 or more highly irradiated human skeletons were discovered on the street level of Mohenjo-Daro when it was excavated.  While it is true that remains were uncovered in unusual settings and placements, only one of these bodies was reported to display high levels of radiation.  Is that a blow to the theory of ancient atomic weapons?  No, because the body that was irradiated was highly irradiated, nearly fifty times the amount it should have been from natural radiation levels.  Couple this with other evidence from the site such as vitrified material known as “Black Stones” that could only have been produced by the type of heat and pressure created in a nuclear blast, and what we are left with is an enigma.  What is most intriguing is that all of this irradiated evidence is present on artifacts that were buried in the desert sands and are thousands of years old.  How did it get there?

Let’s look at what the ancient peoples in the area believed.  What were their theories/stories about what happened in the areas around Mohenjo-Daro?  The Mahabharata is a religious text that dates back as far as 400BCE and is a collection of highly detailed accounts that occurred between men and the Gods that ruled over the area.  The most intriguing portion of these texts which pertain directly to the ancient atomic theory is known as the Bhagavad Gita, and includes information on geography, history, religion, and morality, but more so a detailed description of an 18 day war that was waged by the gods and supposedly devastated the Indian subcontinent.   Below is an excerpt from the Bhagavad Gita describing a weapon unleashed by the gods.

Trinity Test Atomic Explosion
... (it was) a single projectile
Charged with all the power of the Universe.
An incandescent column of smoke and flame
As bright as the thousand suns

Rose in all its splendor... was an unknown weapon,
An iron thunderbolt,
A gigantic messenger of death,
Which reduced to ashes

The entire race of the Vrishnis and the Andhakas.
...The corpses were so burned
As to be unrecognizable.
The hair and nails fell out;
Pottery broke without apparent cause,
And the birds turned white.
After a few hours
All foodstuffs were infected... escape from this fire
The soldiers threw themselves in streams
To wash themselves and their equipment

We can see right away from reading this passage the gross similarities between what we know to be the effects and description of an atomic weapon made after the attacks on Japan.  Does that mean the “Gods” or ET’s nuked the Earth in the past?  Not at all, but it does warrant looking at the evidence in a more constructive way considering the ancient radioactive material that is beginning to be unearthed.

July 16, 1945 the first known atomic weapon was detonated in the deserts of New Mexico.  The man in charge of the development of this technology was named J. Robert Oppenheimer and was fundamental in the Manhattan Project that brought the weapon into a useable state.  After the tests were completed, and the bomb had been detonated, he was interviewed about his feelings on this earth changing technology.  In a stunning connection, Oppenheimer quoted the Bhagavad Gita. 

Even more interesting, seven years after the trinity tests in New Mexico at Rochester University, a college student asked Dr. Oppenheimer if this (Trinity test) was the first detonation of an atomic weapon.  Oppenheimer replied “In modern times, yes.  Ancient cities, whose brick and stone walls have literally been vitrified, that is, fused together, can be found in India, Ireland, Scotland, France, Turkey and other places. There is no logical explanation for the vitrification of stone forts and cities, except from an atomic blast.”  If the godfather of modern nuclear physics entertained these possibilities, is it irresponsible for us not to do the same?

Riddles of Ancient History, A. Gorbovsky, 1966, Soviet Publishers, Moscow

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