Tuesday, May 15, 2012

New Planet Discovery Contridicts NASA's Claim

     For the past several years speculation and conspiracy have raged over the possibility of a phantom planet known as Nibiru or Planet X moving into our solar system.  Believers claim the arrival of this mystery planet was predicted in numerous ancient prophecies including the Egyptian “Death Bringer” and the more popular Sumerian “Nibiru” legends, and its arrival is thought to bring about cataclysmic changes to our Earth. 

This idea has blended seamlessly into the fears of the 2012 Mayan calendar craze that has gripped the public’s attention over the past few years.  Although, until this point no scientific evidence has been reported to support either of these theories and scientists are holding fast to the idea that what the Planet X believers are expecting to occur is “impossible”.   

In an interview with NASA officials they were asked “Is there a planet or brown dwarf called Nibiru, Planet X, or Eris that is approaching the Earth and threatening our planet with widespread destruction?"  NASA officials responded with this answer, “Nibiru and other stories about wayward planets are an Internet hoax. There is no factual basis for these claims. If Nibiru or Planet X were real and headed for an encounter with the Earth in 2012, astronomers would have been tracking it for at least the past decade, and it would be visible by now to the naked eye. Obviously, it does not exist…”

While these reports are reassuring, the developments in space since that time have given a very different spin on this question.  In 2010, the comet Elenin was reported by NASA to be scheduled to orbit dangerously close to the earth, and set off a firestorm of doomsday proclamations.  But some strange anomalies were being shown to be connected with this comet, and numerous theories surfaced that Elenin was having very unusual geomagnetic effects on the earth.  Each time the comet came into alignment with the Earth and the Sun, significant earthquakes occurred somewhere on the planet.  It could definitely be coincidence, but the Chilean, Christchurch, and Japan earthquakes between 2010 and 2011 all occurred when comet Elenin was in alignment with the Earth and Sun.

NASA quickly disapproved these coincidences much like Planet X, saying there was no connection between Elinin and these massive earth quakes.  Although, shortly before Elenin's closest scheduled path to Earth in October 2011, MSNBC reported that comet broke apart and was destroyed in a very unusual way.  Is this evidence that NASA removed the threat from this comet without public knowledge?

In a new discovery on May, 11 2012 the National Geographic reported that astronomers had in fact located a large rogue planet orbiting our solar system, and claim that it is currently hidden behind the planet Neptune.  This discovery was made because of visual disruptions in the orbits of various space objects and the suspected planet is purposed to contain significant mass.

Is this new discovery the giant Nibiru?  Does this herald the coming of the Egyptian “Death Bringer?”  No one can say for sure.  But, unless NASA can pull a proverbial rabbit out of their hat such as with Elenin, we may be hearing a lot more about this rogue planet in the coming months.

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