Friday, May 11, 2012

Triangle UFO Sightings On the Rise?

Over the years, we have continually heard reports trickling out of the mainstream media about sightings of triangular shaped UFO's plaguing the airspace above cities all over the world.  The US government has struggled to spin these reports away as flares or swamp gas, but high level officials like former Arizona governor Fife Symington are coming clean and admitting publicly that what people are witnessing is truly unidentifiable. 

Large sightings like the "Phoenix Lights"  which occurred in March 1997 and included over 10,000 eyewitness reports, have made their way into pop culture with movies, books, and merchandise promoting the event.  But, sightings of these lights have not been confined to the American southwest. Hundreds of reports have come in over the past thirty years from all over the earth, and so far the spring of 2012 is not letting us down.

On April 26, 2012 the video above was captured by a passenger on an airplane over England.  The individual reported seeing a large triangular shaped formation of lights outside the cabin of their plane.  This video shows actual footage of a craft that has been repeatedly reported by passengers and pilots on commercial aircraft for years.

A few days later on April 28, in the small town of Independence Mo. an eyewitness reported seeing a triangular craft moving slowly across the sky according to  The witness claimed, “It was very odd -- a triangular-shaped flying object that had two blinking lights in the rear only.  There were no other lights on the craft like you would see on a plane."  Unfortunately, there were no video or photographs available to document the sighting.

The following video was shot recently on May 02, 2012 and shows a triangular craft caught on tape that was also reported at   According to the witness, it occurred in broad daylight over Sydney Australia and lasted over four minutes!

The facts are that the US government and others around the world test and produce top secret aircraft. The possibility of these triangular UFO’s being misidentified is surely a possibility, but the sheer size and silence of the proposed craft, as well as the frequency of the sightings leads one to believe that the public may not be getting the full story either way.
Are all of these sightings mere coincidence?  What are the odds that military flares are the cause of these events like the US military has proposed?  Are they extraterrestrial?  No one seems able or willing to identify these sightings with any certainty, and the explanations given by officials is less than underwhelming.  There are no clear answers, and even fewer individuals in the government willing to come forward, so it appears that for the time being, these unusual craft and lights will continue to be a mystery.   

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