Saturday, May 12, 2012

Solar UFO Sightings Point to Possible NASA Cover-up!

     New pictures have emerged from NASA, again showing an unidentified object hovering close to the Sun.  The release of this image was closely preceded by the $700 billion space viewing device (SOHO) that shot the footage being taken off-line.  UFO researchers are touting this as solid proof that NASA is trying to cover up the incident, and are pushing for an explanation. 

 This story originally began on April 24, when reports surfaced on the internet showing photographs of a large UFO hovering near our Sun.  The images were captured by NASA’s Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) .  The sophisticated (SOHO) device is used according to NASA “- to study the internal structure of the Sun, its extensive outer atmosphere and the origin of the solar wind…)  Although, the project does not fall completely under the NASA umbrella of control. (SOHO) was co-designed, funded, and is partially operated by various European scientists and the European Space Agency.

According to FOX News, officials for the United States Naval Research Laboratory dismissed the object in the first (SOHO) photograph shown below as an anomaly on the camera equipment.  Nathan Rich, the lead engineer for the NRL’s solar physics division, claims this is caused by streaks left from cosmic rays; charged particles that disrupt the cameras sensors.  But more interestingly, he states "these artifacts do not persist from image to image..."

 Rich's last statement is so interesting because more than a week later, images of a similar UFO are again captured by (SOHO) and exposed on YouTube by an amateur follower of the space observatory.  The video's creator alleges that NASA took (SOHO) off-line to prevent anyone else from seeing the UFO just one day after this video began to make its rounds across the internet. He states, “It’s too much of a coincidence I find this on the 3rd of May 2012, and they break their telescope the following day.”  More information can be found at

NASA released the following statement on the shut down:
"SOHO went into 'Emergency Sun Reacquisition' mode on Friday May 4, 2012, caused by a false trigger of the Coarse Sun Pointing Attitude Anomaly Detector. We are working on the recovery of the spacecraft to normal mode."

Even more curious is the fact the live web cams connected to (SOHO) were down for some of the biggest solar storms of the century according to MSNBC, and then went down again on May 08, for Emergency Sun Reacquisition.  All of this solar activity, combined with possible footage of UFO's hovering around the sun, leads one to believe that even if the UFO's can be explained away that something unusual is still going on with our sun that NASA may not want the public to see. 

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