Sunday, May 20, 2012

DMT - Is It Really The Spirit Molecule?

DMT Molecule
DMT Molecule
     For more than one hundred years, science has struggled to understand the effects of certain psychoactive chemicals on the human brain.  The list of chemicals laboratories have tested includes names like Mescaline, LSD, and other proverbial rock stars of recreational drug use.  But, there is one chemical in particular that has changed the way science looks at the psychedelic experience and have discovered it may affect human beings on a deeper molecular level.

Dr. Rick Strassman
Dr. Rick Strassman
Dimethyltryptamine also known as DMT, or the spirit molecule, was the focus of a study by Rick Strassman MD in the early nineties.  According to the study DMT is already present to some degree in all living things, and scientists think that humans have actually evolved with receptors in our brain to synthesize this chemical compound.  Unlike LSD or other known psychoactive substances that must be broken down in the body through ingestion or pulmonary absorption, DMT just docks into its receptor in our brain and goes to work the moment it is introduced into the body. 

Most of the major shamanic and tribal cultures around the world use some type of perception altering chemical for religious ceremony.  Each tribes brew tends to isolate DMT compounds from natural sources. The native peoples realized that by using the chemical inhibitor in one plant they could activate DMT in another, allowing it to be finally absorbed into the bloodstream.  Generally DMT is only active when it is smoked or injected, but the tribesman discovered they could reach the chemical in other ways.  Many tribes in South America use a super potent DMT based drink or "tea" known as Ayahuasca.  It is used to assist the shaman in attaining knowledge from the “spirit world” to help his people, and to commune with the gods.  

Dr. Strassman and his researchers believe that DMT may actually be produced within the pineal gland deep within the brain, and that it is directly related to human neurotransmitters such as serotonin and melatonin.  Many theorists also feel DMT has contributed in some form to all of mankind's major enlightening events throughout history.  Author Cliff Pickover states "DMT in the pineal glands of Biblical prophets gave God to humanity and let ordinary humans perceive parallel universes." This DMT production could play a pivotal role in molding human perception and spirituality throughout our lives, but it may also help doctors to explain certain psychosis or mental illness as well.  If the pineal gland is producing larger amounts of DMT than it should, or is releasing it in unusual ways, this could explain the hallucinations experienced by psychotics and severely disturbed sufferers of mental illness.

"Collective Vision" by Alex Grey 
So the question then is why?  Why would the human brain be hardwired to produce and use such a powerful hallucinogen?  Science has begun to make strides forward in terms of better understanding human perception, how our brain perceives the universe, and what the universe truly is from a perception point of view.  Quantum physics and what is known as string theory has put a whole new spin on the idea of what humans beings truly are.  We are starting to discover that things like subtle energy and radio and micro wave frequencies effect our conscious and sub-conscious perception of reality.

In essence, the universe is constantly giving our brains the information and signals it needs to produce a three dimensional world for us to exist in, with a fourth dimension of "Time" for us to measure it by.  But the truth is, science has already proven there are as many as eleven other dimensions of reality.  These are what natives and spiritualists refer to as “worlds” or “realms” and we are unable to naturally perceive them.  That is where researchers feel DMT and concoctions like Ayahuasca come into play, it allows the consumer to go to these other dimensions and return with knowledge or experience that will in some way help or benefit them.  Artist Alex Grey utilizes these psychedelic journeys into the mind to create his world renown artwork for bands like TOOL, or for galleries and universities all over the globe. He discusses his opinion on DMT and how he uses it to help his artwork in the following video shown below.

As we have progressed technologically it appears we may have regressed spiritually, and we are now completely reliant on complex systems of thought like religions, cults, covens, and other universal dogma to guide our straining spirituality. It is thought by researchers that because of our connection to consciousness, human beings would need a release mechanism in our brain such as DMT, which at the point of our death could be used to allow our "spirit" to move on, or evolve whichever the case may be.   Pretty deep stuff….

Is DMT really a way for human beings to connect to their spirit, a way to consciously enter the subconscious?  It seems to be something we each have to discover for ourselves, no two people will come to the exact same answer.  Although, the evidence is mounting about DMT, and it is clear that it has very unusual paranormal connections to human perception and how we relate to our universe.

X Quest Daily does not condone the illegal use of drugs, and does not suggest anyone try to reproduce the effects described in this article.

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