Friday, August 1, 2014

Ebola...Are We Safe?

Artists Rendering of the Ebola Virus
The dangers from the Ebola virus to the public are very real and are increasing by the day.  How many of you out there really know what’s going on with this virus right now?  If you have been watching the news trickle out of Sierra Leone and Africa about the growing spread of this insanely deadly disease like I have, you may find it disturbing to say the least.  

Ebola has always popped up and quickly been contained by authorities, but it is not because of their swift and competent control of the situation, no generally it is because Ebola is such an aggressive infection that it often kills all available hosts before it has time to spread outside the area of origination.  Africans have been dealing with Ebola since long before the west even knew it existed. But, international travel is so simple today that even though Ebola's symptoms set up very fast, planes can now often get you home faster than the disease can become apparent and the potential for global pandemic from Ebola has become staggering.  As of the morning of Aug, 1 2014 officials have decided to move two American doctors sick with Ebola by plane, into the city of Atlanta GA…?!…and the death toll in Sierra Leone is so high and the spread is so out of control that the country has called for a state of emergency!

What is most terrifying about this current outbreak in Africa and Liberia is that it is big, the biggest ever in fact and it is moving. I have seen chilling reports about a U.S.citizen working in Liberia, falling violently ill on a plane to Nigeria earlier this month. He was planning on returning to his family in Minnesota but died before he could. It is thought he may possibly have infected thirty or more people on that plane.  Officials are now desperately trying to “hunt down” possible victims before infected individuals can become contagious.  ThePeace Corps is currently evacuating volunteers from three countries; the CDC is raising its alert to the highest levels for travel to the area. One of the world’s leading authorities on the Ebola virus Dr. Sheik Humarr Khan has in fact contracted the disease and died in Sierra Leone from complications with Ebola and it appears to be only a matter of time before this disease makes it to American soil.  One American family was already quarantined in Texas for a short time after returning from living abroad with Dr. Kent Brantly who worked in the danger zone and contracted the disease. Dr. Brantly is one of the two American doctors being brought back to the US for treatment along with missionary Nancy Writebol.

Now, here comes the scary conspiracy theory part.  There is talk that Ebola could be used by terrorist groups to cause harm on US soil. Our southern border is just hanging open like an old screen door, flapping in the breeze and it is not a far stretch to say Ebola or any dangerous threat would have little trouble getting into the country either accidentally or with intention if fate were to have it. Keep in mind that it has been stated by the World Health Organization that they cannot deal with a global Ebola pandemic and all it takes is one simply mistake.   

World Health Organization
The US government knows it cannot contain Ebola effectively if it is urbanized and they most likely will declare martial law if an Ebola outbreak hits a major US city. The laws are already in place, they have been mobilizing and training units all over the country for just such an event. Then there is always the entertaining and usually debatable argument over the building of emergency (FEMA) camps, (Homeland Security) stock piling ammo, all those scary images of fields of plastic coffin liners in Georgia  that the government supposedly ordered some years back.  When one looks at all of this together it forms a picture of the government preparing some kind of action in order to preserve the national security against its own citizens. Perhaps even from an Ebola outbreak who can say? Regardless in a viral outbreak quarantined citizens will most likely become violent when individuals start getting sick and they realize the government is not coming to save them and cannot allow them to leave. All the authorities can do is quarantine the area until they contain the outbreak and then treat the symptoms…the death rate of those infected are a staggering 90%.  I am not going to go into great detail about the symptoms of the virus mainly because they are gruesome and promote fear, research it if you feel the need to know.  But keep in mind aid workers have described scenes from villages in Africa "like walking into a set from a horror film, a very scary situation."  
CDC Zombie Advertisement

I also recall a load of silly things bounced about over the past few years regarding “Zombie Apocalypse Training” coming from legitimate branches of the government (CDC, Marine Corp, law enforcement agencies) they all had a purpose, they had a point.  The urban riot training that all civil forces have been doing around the country are preparing authorities for something… the walking dead?  Not likely, but an Ebola outbreak has been said to be the closest thing to a zombie apocalypse we might ever see.  Regardless, all of this training and preparation appears to have been leading up to authorities preventing citizen’s movements and access to resources in the case of national emergency; they just aren’t telling you which emergency.  It is not likely that the government is out to get you…in fact they are trying to keep you from getting them.  I say again when an outbreak occurs over 90% of those infected WILL die, there is no cure or antiviral drug known to combat this virus.  I am not saying run to the hills or to head for the “bug out” shelters just yet, but if you start hearing about people getting sick in the US, especially in major cities be concerned this is not a joke… 

Friday, August 24, 2012

Fire In The Sky: Tunguska 1908

Over the years I have researched a lot of interesting stories, but few have left me scratching my head like the Tunguska event of 1908.  This phenomenon occurred in a very remote and impoverished area of Siberia near the arctic circle, but it's effects were witnessed by hundreds of people from Russia to London. 

Artist impression of explosion
At around 7:14 a.m. on June 30th 1908, eyewitnesses reported seeing a column of bluish light moving from east to north with a brightness "like the sun."  Moments later, a massive explosion ripped through the surrounding country side producing a shock wave that actually knocked people off of their feet, and broke windows hundreds of miles away.  The explosion registered on seismic detectors all across Eurasia and in some places would have registered 5.0 on the Richter scale.  Atmospheric disturbances were so severe that the effects were experienced as far away as Great Britain for several days afterwards!  Lights glowed in the night sky so bright they illuminated the streets of London and were reported by many newspapers.  Yet no crater or evidence of impact was ever found.  Due to it's remote location, and the chaos of several large scale conflicts breaking out in the area around the same time (WWI, Russian Revolution, etc.) it took researchers more than a decade to actually mount an expedition to the location.  What explorers found when they arrived was nothing short of stunning.

Tunguska damage 1927
When officials arrived in an area of forest thought to be "ground zero" they found over 250 square kilometers literally flattened, the charred trees lay in odd concentric patterns and were stripped of bark, very closely resembling nuclear fallout in Japan during WWII... except nuclear technology would not be developed for another twenty five years!  Bizarre marsh bogs had developed, and researchers found evidence of radiation throughout the area, as well as signs of what would later become known as radiation sickness among individuals that lived near the epicenter.   

So, what caused this remarkable event at the top of the world?  Many scientists believe that the air burst destruction of a meteor or asteroid was the culprit, some say it may have been a comet, theories of a natural nuclear explosion, antimatter, aliens, and even experiments performed by Nicola Tesla using his Wardenclyffe Tower have been proposed, but there are as many inconsistencies as there are questions surrounding what truly occurred. 

The possibility of a celestial body causing the damage is highly likely, but many of the witnesses to the original event spoke of seeing an odd shaped mass moving across the sky, as well as seeing the object change course, and of the object having a very low speed.  This has lead some researchers to support the idea that this could have been a very significant UFO encounter. Many believe either a nuclear powered craft exploded causing the damage or one discharged a weapon for some reason.

Crystals found in Tunguska
Later expeditions uncovered even more unusual material such as strange inscribed crystals and chemical compounds that can only be made in outer space.  All of this evidence coupled with the fact no other event in recorded history can be used as reference for Tunguska, leaves it alone in its oddity.  It is likely, which is the case with many of these stories, that we will never know what happened that morning in 1908.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

DMT - Is It Really The Spirit Molecule?

DMT Molecule
DMT Molecule
     For more than one hundred years, science has struggled to understand the effects of certain psychoactive chemicals on the human brain.  The list of chemicals laboratories have tested includes names like Mescaline, LSD, and other proverbial rock stars of recreational drug use.  But, there is one chemical in particular that has changed the way science looks at the psychedelic experience and have discovered it may affect human beings on a deeper molecular level.

Dr. Rick Strassman
Dr. Rick Strassman
Dimethyltryptamine also known as DMT, or the spirit molecule, was the focus of a study by Rick Strassman MD in the early nineties.  According to the study DMT is already present to some degree in all living things, and scientists think that humans have actually evolved with receptors in our brain to synthesize this chemical compound.  Unlike LSD or other known psychoactive substances that must be broken down in the body through ingestion or pulmonary absorption, DMT just docks into its receptor in our brain and goes to work the moment it is introduced into the body. 

Most of the major shamanic and tribal cultures around the world use some type of perception altering chemical for religious ceremony.  Each tribes brew tends to isolate DMT compounds from natural sources. The native peoples realized that by using the chemical inhibitor in one plant they could activate DMT in another, allowing it to be finally absorbed into the bloodstream.  Generally DMT is only active when it is smoked or injected, but the tribesman discovered they could reach the chemical in other ways.  Many tribes in South America use a super potent DMT based drink or "tea" known as Ayahuasca.  It is used to assist the shaman in attaining knowledge from the “spirit world” to help his people, and to commune with the gods.  

Dr. Strassman and his researchers believe that DMT may actually be produced within the pineal gland deep within the brain, and that it is directly related to human neurotransmitters such as serotonin and melatonin.  Many theorists also feel DMT has contributed in some form to all of mankind's major enlightening events throughout history.  Author Cliff Pickover states "DMT in the pineal glands of Biblical prophets gave God to humanity and let ordinary humans perceive parallel universes." This DMT production could play a pivotal role in molding human perception and spirituality throughout our lives, but it may also help doctors to explain certain psychosis or mental illness as well.  If the pineal gland is producing larger amounts of DMT than it should, or is releasing it in unusual ways, this could explain the hallucinations experienced by psychotics and severely disturbed sufferers of mental illness.

"Collective Vision" by Alex Grey 
So the question then is why?  Why would the human brain be hardwired to produce and use such a powerful hallucinogen?  Science has begun to make strides forward in terms of better understanding human perception, how our brain perceives the universe, and what the universe truly is from a perception point of view.  Quantum physics and what is known as string theory has put a whole new spin on the idea of what humans beings truly are.  We are starting to discover that things like subtle energy and radio and micro wave frequencies effect our conscious and sub-conscious perception of reality.

In essence, the universe is constantly giving our brains the information and signals it needs to produce a three dimensional world for us to exist in, with a fourth dimension of "Time" for us to measure it by.  But the truth is, science has already proven there are as many as eleven other dimensions of reality.  These are what natives and spiritualists refer to as “worlds” or “realms” and we are unable to naturally perceive them.  That is where researchers feel DMT and concoctions like Ayahuasca come into play, it allows the consumer to go to these other dimensions and return with knowledge or experience that will in some way help or benefit them.  Artist Alex Grey utilizes these psychedelic journeys into the mind to create his world renown artwork for bands like TOOL, or for galleries and universities all over the globe. He discusses his opinion on DMT and how he uses it to help his artwork in the following video shown below.

As we have progressed technologically it appears we may have regressed spiritually, and we are now completely reliant on complex systems of thought like religions, cults, covens, and other universal dogma to guide our straining spirituality. It is thought by researchers that because of our connection to consciousness, human beings would need a release mechanism in our brain such as DMT, which at the point of our death could be used to allow our "spirit" to move on, or evolve whichever the case may be.   Pretty deep stuff….

Is DMT really a way for human beings to connect to their spirit, a way to consciously enter the subconscious?  It seems to be something we each have to discover for ourselves, no two people will come to the exact same answer.  Although, the evidence is mounting about DMT, and it is clear that it has very unusual paranormal connections to human perception and how we relate to our universe.

X Quest Daily does not condone the illegal use of drugs, and does not suggest anyone try to reproduce the effects described in this article.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Are We Getting Closer to Disclosure?

Since the passing of the Freedom of Information Act many UFO researchers, and conspiracy buffs have dredged deeply into the U.S. Governments once classified files looking for answers.  The fact that governments all over the Earth have programs designed to deal with the UFO phenomena is no longer considered “need to know” information, and many countries have even begun declassifying their UFO programs much to the disappointment of the USA.

Although, disclosure right here at home might be much closer then you may think.   Retired Army Col. John Alexander has gone public with his desire to petition not only the Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, but also CIA Director Gen. David Petraeus, and National Intelligence Director Gen. James Clapper, to offer amnesty to military personnel that have witnessed UFO activity in the past but were sworn to secrecy.

Retired Army Col. John Alexander
Why is Col. Alexander’s voice any more important than say… mine or yours?  Well, Alexander was a military insider with top secret clearance, who also created Advanced Theoretical Physics – a group of top level government officials and scientists put together to study none other than…UFO reports. 

It is important to note that Col. Alexander also led Special Forces teams in Vietnam and Thailand in the 1960’s, and was a program manager at Los Alamos National Laboratory.  Not a bad resume. But more recently he has been trying to disclose information uncovered by a study group he was in charge of in 1980 which concluded:

  •    Some UFOs are real and of unknown origin.
  • About 5 percent of all sightings remain unexplained.
  • Many sensor systems do have anomalous recordings.
  • There are numerous UFO sightings reported by highly credible observers.
  • There have been incidents involving interactions between UFOs and military systems.
  • There have been interactions between UFOs and airplanes that raise safety issues.
  • Over 70 percent of American adults believe the U.S. government is covering up information on the topic.
  • Polls indicate that 20 percent of the global population believes aliens are here on Earth and living among us.

Alexander is scheduled to publicly announce his government request for UFO amnesty today at the National Atomic Testing Museum in Las Vegas, Nev.   The museum is one of the newest in the country and focuses on the history of the countries development of energy and nuclear technology.  Oddly, it also contains an exhibit on the top secret base known as Area 51, which showcases numerous UFO related exhibits, one even claiming to be an "Authentic AlienArtifact."  Below is the video ad for the exhibit. 

Museum CEO and director Allan Palmer told the HuffingtonPost that he is glad that military officials who have seen or have knowledge about UFO’s will be able to come clean.  Palmer, who was also a highly decorated Air Force and Navy pilot, went on to say "The reason is because we all had very high-level security clearances," he said. "Just the mention of seeing something that you didn't know or you thought might be a UFO would be enough for a visit with the flight surgeon, if not the psychiatric staff at the base hospital. And that would be reason to pull your security clearance, at least temporarily, which means that you wouldn't be flying …”  Palmer goes on to say “At least as far as retribution or career penalties, if things could be lifted or suspended, that would probably help the process.”

Alexander does not appear to be attempting to get the government to disclose that UFO’s are extraterrestrial, but rather to promote a feeling of security among military officials where it is ok for them to report and discuss UFO sightings without fear of ridicule or penalty.  Col. Alexander claims in letters to some of the most powerful men in the world that "some level of secrecy has been invoked on U.S. military personnel.” and goes on to cite the Milton Torres story.   The tale of pilot Milton Torres and how he was forced into silence from 1957 – 2008 over orders he was given to fire five missiles at a gigantic UFO over Great Brittan in 1957 is well known to the UFO community.

This is a step towards full disclosure and is an exciting time if you are a UFO researcher.  Not only does this affirm that many in the military have seen UFO’s, but also that a program of threatening and silence has governed how the US government has handled UFO cases for the past eighty years.  I can’t help but be happy to see this environment start to take root, and find myself quoting folk singer Bob Dylan, “Times they are a’ changing…”

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Darkness at Castle Houska

Castle Houska
     Deep within the dark forests and swamps of the Czech Republic stands a mysterious place.  Thought by local inhabitants to be the gateway to hell for hundreds of years, it is known as Castle Houska.  The location chosen for this castle is highly unusual.  It is completely isolated, does not protect any border or resource, and does not reside on a known trade route or vantage point of any kind.  Why would someone use the significant resources required to construct this castle, but choose to build it in a completely useless and inconsequential plot of land in the middle of nowhere?

Castle Houska is a gothic structure that was likely commissioned by Ottokar II of Bohemia in 1253AD.  The castle was built without access to water, a kitchen, or fortification, and was left completely uninhabited for the first portion of its existence.  It appears the castles primary function, especially the chapel, was to close the unfathomable well or “hole” on the property that was reported to lead to the underworld.  Some of the oldest mural paintings and iron work in Eastern Europe adorn the walls of Castle Houska, and are simply ripe with images of knights slaying dragons, demons, and winged monsters galore.   

Ancient legends have people reporting half-man half-beast creatures crawling out of the earth below where the castle's chapel now sits, and dark winged shapes circling the skies above the courtyard.
Chapel over hell hole
Upon examination of the castle's architecture, it is apparent that the design is completely backwards.  All of the defensive positions are located on the inside of the structure, and are designed much like a prison to keep something in rather than out!  It was so unusual that it did not even contain stairs to the first floor in an attempt to prevent unwanted entities from making it to the ground floor, residents at the time would have had to use ladders or ropes.   The present day owner describes the building as being built like “a cube within a cube, within a cube, with all of its defensive positions faced inward.” The torture room in the basement of the castle, also known as Satan’s office, is even complete with a demonic throne.  The castle is said to be home to a faceless black entity that many have reported is a priest that oversaw the tortures and executions which occurred here.

Numerous reports of shadows, demonic voices, unusual feelings of anxiety, and a host of other visual and auditory anomalies have been reported by visitors and locals for centuries.  To add to the overall macabre nature of Castle Houska, throughout WWII Nazi Germany commandeered the structure and used it not only as a headquarters, but also a laboratory, where fringe physics experiments like dimensional portals, time travel, and various other unusual studies were supposed to have been performed.  When the castle underwent modern renovation, the bodies of three Nazi soldiers were found in the courtyard, all of them had been executed.

In 2009, the SyFy channel aired an episode of Ghost Hunters International that featured Castle Houska.  The teams of investigators were thoroughly bombarded by a string of unexplainable events from start to finish. The investigation left no doubt that Castle Houska displays massive amounts of paranormal activity, and was declared by GHI to be one of the most haunted locations in the world.


Tuesday, May 15, 2012

New Planet Discovery Contridicts NASA's Claim

     For the past several years speculation and conspiracy have raged over the possibility of a phantom planet known as Nibiru or Planet X moving into our solar system.  Believers claim the arrival of this mystery planet was predicted in numerous ancient prophecies including the Egyptian “Death Bringer” and the more popular Sumerian “Nibiru” legends, and its arrival is thought to bring about cataclysmic changes to our Earth. 

This idea has blended seamlessly into the fears of the 2012 Mayan calendar craze that has gripped the public’s attention over the past few years.  Although, until this point no scientific evidence has been reported to support either of these theories and scientists are holding fast to the idea that what the Planet X believers are expecting to occur is “impossible”.   

In an interview with NASA officials they were asked “Is there a planet or brown dwarf called Nibiru, Planet X, or Eris that is approaching the Earth and threatening our planet with widespread destruction?"  NASA officials responded with this answer, “Nibiru and other stories about wayward planets are an Internet hoax. There is no factual basis for these claims. If Nibiru or Planet X were real and headed for an encounter with the Earth in 2012, astronomers would have been tracking it for at least the past decade, and it would be visible by now to the naked eye. Obviously, it does not exist…”

While these reports are reassuring, the developments in space since that time have given a very different spin on this question.  In 2010, the comet Elenin was reported by NASA to be scheduled to orbit dangerously close to the earth, and set off a firestorm of doomsday proclamations.  But some strange anomalies were being shown to be connected with this comet, and numerous theories surfaced that Elenin was having very unusual geomagnetic effects on the earth.  Each time the comet came into alignment with the Earth and the Sun, significant earthquakes occurred somewhere on the planet.  It could definitely be coincidence, but the Chilean, Christchurch, and Japan earthquakes between 2010 and 2011 all occurred when comet Elenin was in alignment with the Earth and Sun.

NASA quickly disapproved these coincidences much like Planet X, saying there was no connection between Elinin and these massive earth quakes.  Although, shortly before Elenin's closest scheduled path to Earth in October 2011, MSNBC reported that comet broke apart and was destroyed in a very unusual way.  Is this evidence that NASA removed the threat from this comet without public knowledge?

In a new discovery on May, 11 2012 the National Geographic reported that astronomers had in fact located a large rogue planet orbiting our solar system, and claim that it is currently hidden behind the planet Neptune.  This discovery was made because of visual disruptions in the orbits of various space objects and the suspected planet is purposed to contain significant mass.

Is this new discovery the giant Nibiru?  Does this herald the coming of the Egyptian “Death Bringer?”  No one can say for sure.  But, unless NASA can pull a proverbial rabbit out of their hat such as with Elenin, we may be hearing a lot more about this rogue planet in the coming months.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Weapon of the Gods

     Atomic energy, the most advanced and destructive weapon technology ever created by modern man, or was it? Researchers from around the globe are studying evidence unearthed in India that may point towards an ancient atomic explosion they claim may have occurred thousands of years ago!

Many modern scientists balk at the thought of such a claim, working harder to disprove the theory than looking at the evidence.  But, ancient stories written in the religious text known as the Mahabharata might have more factual relevance than what was once thought.

Scene from the Mahabharata
India’s history is one that is mysterious and significant in terms of the development of mankind on the planet.  One of the oldest documented civilizations on Earth, India boasts as the birthplace of not one, but four of the world’s oldest and largest religions which include Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism.  The ancient Indian people were also highly advanced in engineering, art, literature and to this day hold one of the most significant cultures ever to exist in terms of worldwide contribution.

This idea that our ancient ancestors may have been in contact with atomic weapons or technology is a far stretch, and is understandably hard for many researchers to wrap their minds around.  But, if science has taught mankind anything, it is to not underestimate the evidence.  Several hundred years ago scientists were certain that the Earth was the center of the universe, that the Sun in fact revolved around the Earth and, if you went too far west you might fall off the planet.  Today, scientists are certain ancient civilizations were not in contact with technologies far beyond their abilities, yet the evidence that they were in possession of knowledge we are just starting to understand is everywhere.  Let’s listen to the evidence then and see what it has to say.   

Bodies discovered at Harappa
In Rajasthan, India a layer of radioactive ash was unearthed that covered an area of 3 square miles, and was discovered after a study of abnormal levels of birth defects and cancer were purported among the inhabitants of the area was conducted.  The levels of radiation were so high, that the Indian government supposedly cordoned off the area.  The excavation of the ancient sites Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro nearby also lend evidence to the idea that something of atomic proportions occurred in this area thousands of years ago.

Ancient alien theorists would like us to believe that these sites are a smoking gun, sure evidence of ET interaction with mankind, but that is not exactly the case.  It is reported that 35 or more highly irradiated human skeletons were discovered on the street level of Mohenjo-Daro when it was excavated.  While it is true that remains were uncovered in unusual settings and placements, only one of these bodies was reported to display high levels of radiation.  Is that a blow to the theory of ancient atomic weapons?  No, because the body that was irradiated was highly irradiated, nearly fifty times the amount it should have been from natural radiation levels.  Couple this with other evidence from the site such as vitrified material known as “Black Stones” that could only have been produced by the type of heat and pressure created in a nuclear blast, and what we are left with is an enigma.  What is most intriguing is that all of this irradiated evidence is present on artifacts that were buried in the desert sands and are thousands of years old.  How did it get there?

Let’s look at what the ancient peoples in the area believed.  What were their theories/stories about what happened in the areas around Mohenjo-Daro?  The Mahabharata is a religious text that dates back as far as 400BCE and is a collection of highly detailed accounts that occurred between men and the Gods that ruled over the area.  The most intriguing portion of these texts which pertain directly to the ancient atomic theory is known as the Bhagavad Gita, and includes information on geography, history, religion, and morality, but more so a detailed description of an 18 day war that was waged by the gods and supposedly devastated the Indian subcontinent.   Below is an excerpt from the Bhagavad Gita describing a weapon unleashed by the gods.

Trinity Test Atomic Explosion
... (it was) a single projectile
Charged with all the power of the Universe.
An incandescent column of smoke and flame
As bright as the thousand suns

Rose in all its splendor... was an unknown weapon,
An iron thunderbolt,
A gigantic messenger of death,
Which reduced to ashes

The entire race of the Vrishnis and the Andhakas.
...The corpses were so burned
As to be unrecognizable.
The hair and nails fell out;
Pottery broke without apparent cause,
And the birds turned white.
After a few hours
All foodstuffs were infected... escape from this fire
The soldiers threw themselves in streams
To wash themselves and their equipment

We can see right away from reading this passage the gross similarities between what we know to be the effects and description of an atomic weapon made after the attacks on Japan.  Does that mean the “Gods” or ET’s nuked the Earth in the past?  Not at all, but it does warrant looking at the evidence in a more constructive way considering the ancient radioactive material that is beginning to be unearthed.

July 16, 1945 the first known atomic weapon was detonated in the deserts of New Mexico.  The man in charge of the development of this technology was named J. Robert Oppenheimer and was fundamental in the Manhattan Project that brought the weapon into a useable state.  After the tests were completed, and the bomb had been detonated, he was interviewed about his feelings on this earth changing technology.  In a stunning connection, Oppenheimer quoted the Bhagavad Gita. 

Even more interesting, seven years after the trinity tests in New Mexico at Rochester University, a college student asked Dr. Oppenheimer if this (Trinity test) was the first detonation of an atomic weapon.  Oppenheimer replied “In modern times, yes.  Ancient cities, whose brick and stone walls have literally been vitrified, that is, fused together, can be found in India, Ireland, Scotland, France, Turkey and other places. There is no logical explanation for the vitrification of stone forts and cities, except from an atomic blast.”  If the godfather of modern nuclear physics entertained these possibilities, is it irresponsible for us not to do the same?

Riddles of Ancient History, A. Gorbovsky, 1966, Soviet Publishers, Moscow