Friday, August 1, 2014

Ebola...Are We Safe?

Artists Rendering of the Ebola Virus
The dangers from the Ebola virus to the public are very real and are increasing by the day.  How many of you out there really know what’s going on with this virus right now?  If you have been watching the news trickle out of Sierra Leone and Africa about the growing spread of this insanely deadly disease like I have, you may find it disturbing to say the least.  

Ebola has always popped up and quickly been contained by authorities, but it is not because of their swift and competent control of the situation, no generally it is because Ebola is such an aggressive infection that it often kills all available hosts before it has time to spread outside the area of origination.  Africans have been dealing with Ebola since long before the west even knew it existed. But, international travel is so simple today that even though Ebola's symptoms set up very fast, planes can now often get you home faster than the disease can become apparent and the potential for global pandemic from Ebola has become staggering.  As of the morning of Aug, 1 2014 officials have decided to move two American doctors sick with Ebola by plane, into the city of Atlanta GA…?!…and the death toll in Sierra Leone is so high and the spread is so out of control that the country has called for a state of emergency!

What is most terrifying about this current outbreak in Africa and Liberia is that it is big, the biggest ever in fact and it is moving. I have seen chilling reports about a U.S.citizen working in Liberia, falling violently ill on a plane to Nigeria earlier this month. He was planning on returning to his family in Minnesota but died before he could. It is thought he may possibly have infected thirty or more people on that plane.  Officials are now desperately trying to “hunt down” possible victims before infected individuals can become contagious.  ThePeace Corps is currently evacuating volunteers from three countries; the CDC is raising its alert to the highest levels for travel to the area. One of the world’s leading authorities on the Ebola virus Dr. Sheik Humarr Khan has in fact contracted the disease and died in Sierra Leone from complications with Ebola and it appears to be only a matter of time before this disease makes it to American soil.  One American family was already quarantined in Texas for a short time after returning from living abroad with Dr. Kent Brantly who worked in the danger zone and contracted the disease. Dr. Brantly is one of the two American doctors being brought back to the US for treatment along with missionary Nancy Writebol.

Now, here comes the scary conspiracy theory part.  There is talk that Ebola could be used by terrorist groups to cause harm on US soil. Our southern border is just hanging open like an old screen door, flapping in the breeze and it is not a far stretch to say Ebola or any dangerous threat would have little trouble getting into the country either accidentally or with intention if fate were to have it. Keep in mind that it has been stated by the World Health Organization that they cannot deal with a global Ebola pandemic and all it takes is one simply mistake.   

World Health Organization
The US government knows it cannot contain Ebola effectively if it is urbanized and they most likely will declare martial law if an Ebola outbreak hits a major US city. The laws are already in place, they have been mobilizing and training units all over the country for just such an event. Then there is always the entertaining and usually debatable argument over the building of emergency (FEMA) camps, (Homeland Security) stock piling ammo, all those scary images of fields of plastic coffin liners in Georgia  that the government supposedly ordered some years back.  When one looks at all of this together it forms a picture of the government preparing some kind of action in order to preserve the national security against its own citizens. Perhaps even from an Ebola outbreak who can say? Regardless in a viral outbreak quarantined citizens will most likely become violent when individuals start getting sick and they realize the government is not coming to save them and cannot allow them to leave. All the authorities can do is quarantine the area until they contain the outbreak and then treat the symptoms…the death rate of those infected are a staggering 90%.  I am not going to go into great detail about the symptoms of the virus mainly because they are gruesome and promote fear, research it if you feel the need to know.  But keep in mind aid workers have described scenes from villages in Africa "like walking into a set from a horror film, a very scary situation."  
CDC Zombie Advertisement

I also recall a load of silly things bounced about over the past few years regarding “Zombie Apocalypse Training” coming from legitimate branches of the government (CDC, Marine Corp, law enforcement agencies) they all had a purpose, they had a point.  The urban riot training that all civil forces have been doing around the country are preparing authorities for something… the walking dead?  Not likely, but an Ebola outbreak has been said to be the closest thing to a zombie apocalypse we might ever see.  Regardless, all of this training and preparation appears to have been leading up to authorities preventing citizen’s movements and access to resources in the case of national emergency; they just aren’t telling you which emergency.  It is not likely that the government is out to get you…in fact they are trying to keep you from getting them.  I say again when an outbreak occurs over 90% of those infected WILL die, there is no cure or antiviral drug known to combat this virus.  I am not saying run to the hills or to head for the “bug out” shelters just yet, but if you start hearing about people getting sick in the US, especially in major cities be concerned this is not a joke…